Corporate Governance Supervisor and Education

The company passed a resolution of the board of directors on June 26, 2012, appointing Chief Financial Officer Li Youfu as the director of corporate governance to protect the rights and interests of shareholders and strengthen the functions of the board of directors.

Responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Officer:

1. Handle matters related to the board of directors and shareholders’ meetings in accordance with the law.

2. Prepare minutes of board of directors and shareholders meetings.

3. Assist directors and supervisors in their appointment and continuing education.

4. Provide directors and supervisors with the information they need to perform their business.

5. Assist directors and supervisors in complying with laws.

6. Report to the board of directors the results of its review of whether the qualifications of independent directors at the time of nomination, election and during their term of office comply with relevant laws and regulations.

7. Handle matters related to director changes.

8. Other matters stipulated in the company's articles of association or contract, etc.