2024-06-14LAC TY II COMPANY LTD.(Vietnam) regarding the real property right-of-use assetsAnnouncement on behalf of LAC TY II COMPANY LTD.(Vietnam) regarding the real property right-of-use assetsmore
2024-06-05Employee Subscription to Cash Capital Increase Prior to Initial Public Offering of Company SharesAnnouncement of Payment Reminder for Employee Subscription to Cash Capital Increase Prior to Initial Public Offering of Company Sharesmore
2024-05-30Changes in the Members of the "Audit Committee" and the "Compensation Committee" of the CompanyAnnouncement of Changes in the Members of the "Audit Committee" and the "Compensation Committee" of the Companymore
2024-05-30Announcement of the Election of a New Chairman by the Company's Board of DirectorsAnnouncement of the Election of a New Chairman by the Company's Board of Directorsmore
2024-05-30Lifting of Non-Competition Restrictions on Directors by the Shareholders' MeetingAnnouncement of the Approval of the Lifting of Non-Competition Restrictions on Directors by the Shareholders' Meetingmore
2024-05-30Re-election of the Company's Directors and the Change of One-Third of the DirectorsAnnouncement of the Early Comprehensive Re-election of the Company's Directors and the Change of One-Third of the Directorsmore
2024-05-30Announcement of Important Resolutions of the 2024 Shareholders' Meeting of the CompanyAnnouncement of Important Resolutions of the 2024 Shareholders' Meeting of the Companymore
2024-05-23LAI YIH FOOTWEAR, will indirectly increase the capital of its Indonesian sub-subsidiary, PT YIH QUANLAI YIH FOOTWEAR, will indirectly increase the capital of its Indonesian sub-subsidiary, PT YIH QUANmore
2024-05-17The name, office location, and contact telephone number of the company’s stock affairs agency.The name, office location, and contact telephone number of the company’s stock affairs agency.more
2024-05-08Article 25, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of the Guarantees and Endorsements Handling Guidelines.Announcement in accordance with the provisions of Article 25, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of the Guarantees and Endorsements Handling Guidelines.more